Engineer found guilty of stealing coworker’s lunch SNACKISH: The man stole two chicken cutlets and black teas, and it was not the first time he had taken food without asking for permission, the ruling said A Hsinchu Science Park engineer has been sentenced to 10 days in detention, which could be converted to a fine of NT$10,000, for taking a colleague’s chicken cutlets and black tea lunch.The Hsinchu District Court found a 54-year-old engineer surnamed Chen (陳) guilty of theft for stealing a meal, whi

Engineer found guilty of stealing coworker’s lunch SNACKISH: The man stole two chicken cutlets and black teas, and it was not the first time he had taken food without asking for permission, the ruling said A Hsinchu Science Park engineer has been sentenced to 10 days in detention, which could be converted to a fine of NT$10,000, for taking a colleague’s chicken cutlets and black tea lunch.The Hsinchu District Court found a 54-year-old engineer surnamed Chen (陳) guilty of theft for stealing a meal, whi


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